Thursday, September 4, 2008

Will saving Garad save America

This is my first blog so please take into consideration my level of blogging experience.

As I may introduce myself. I am a Facility Engineer at a industrial Plant in Alabama. I have three children and a lovely and rather witty republican wife. My experience with politics and understanding them is limited.

I basically feel that I have no control of what happens in the political world. I am told my vote counts but does it really. I thought it was decided by the delegates and super delegates. Who are these people anyway?

Obama in my opinion!

It seems to me that tons of lies and deception from the right are flooding the airways trying to create a trail that suggest that there are some truth to it. I tune it out. Obama is a class act and has consistantly taken the high road like no other candidate that I have ever seen. I think if he were white, there would be a 20% lead over McCain, I really hate to say that because I am in no way a racicst. People are attacking him and his charater because they have driven the country into the toilet and have nothing to say when it comes to what matters, the issues facing this country.


The economy, huge deficit, Iraq, and where is the alquida? What about a woman's right to choose, human rights? If any one has traveled internationally lately look at how we are percieved and a global basis. Bush has basically bankrupted our country. Palin is a good example of there failed policies. Personally O don't care about her personal life but I think it is interesting that she fought to stop sex education in the schools in favor of teaching creationism. Family values? Kind of hard to raise a family with her career. Experience? Virtually none. She just got her first passport to leave the country.

Our country is in need of a major change!!!

GL Harrell